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Friday, December 4, 2009

Real life and Powerchallenge

Dear Girls and Guys,

I'm proud to be on earth, proud to be a human, proud to have a job, a house, a life!
Most of all i'm proud on my wife and little son.

Where am i'm going?
I'm really happy with having friends in reallife and on PS.
I really would like thank Vkultras for our friendship, what a game like this can do!
He helped me as a newbie CA in the game and we build a friendship to a higher space.
Vkultras is the craziest , funniest and most respected player in PS and at least peacefull and lovely guy in PS.
Besides a wonderfull guy in PS, i consider him as a really good friend.
Which guy is calling you for nothing only for a nice word, who is sending you a postcard when you became a dad? I really appreciate that!
I really would like to thank you for that mate!

I will always love ya!

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