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Friday, December 4, 2009

Lucky Ultras to the top of most respected clan in Powerchallenge

Dear PS-Players,

Here a word from 1 of the clanmembers of Lucky Ultras.
As captain of Lucky Ultras i would like to report how proud we are on our clan.
When we (Vkultras and me) started at may 2009, we where very happy to stand on our own feet. Starting a clan is reasonable easy, but making it succesfull that's something else.

I think we can say that we did a good job as clan in Powerchallenge and there are a load of players who want to be a part of this wonderfull clan.

How can you be a part of our clan?

Be respectfull to other players, be funny, be fanatic and be mature.

Why do we have a succesfull clan?

Because we have players who have all the stuff what you need in PS.

I would like to thank all our players in a personal word:

Alijas: A great person and player who's making a great progress in the game. He deserved to be a Co-captain. Winning a lot of our cups!

Richard44: Fanatic PS player, 99er, very active player for our clan, responble for this blogspot.

Really doing a great job!

RJP: Our clanmascotte, loves Opel, old LA and nice to win off, really a sportive guy.

Badfantas: Great active person and an old lazy women. always there to help you and there to
lose some XP!

This was it for this week! every week we will pick 4 players to wright something special about!
BTW: Aljias have deserved to be co for the month December again!


Vkultras and Luckynillis

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