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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Oeps, I am so sorry…

Yesterday some TVST members discovered our new blog. Not a big point you think, but wait till I write further.

A TVST member was angry with one of my lines in the post yesterday. Here is a quote of the line which made the TVST member furious: “As you probably already know, we where someday in TVST and we left them quick after joining. Wondering why we left…” And the main reason why he becomes angry is because I wrote that Lucky and me left the building. Am I lying? Ah no, I am not, but should I tell the complete story, or is it old dust? It was in May this year, almost 6 months ago. Why should I clean up the dust again?

Well, to be honest, I had a fight with one of the TVST members. Why the fight started? Because I laughed about his picture, which he posted on the TVST blog. As you people probably don’t know, but the kid is 13. So you can imagine, that his world was over. VKUltras telling in public that I am ugly. Come on, you started the joke, I finished it. So, what is the problem?

Lucky and me are close friends. We met each other here on Powerchallenge.com and we have also contact outside the game. But the main factor of a friendship is simple: “We go out together, we come home together.” Sound not more then normal in my eyes.

So with a lot of noise, Lucky and me decided to start a whole new clan. Our own place, where people can giver their opinion without having crying people around us. Come on, it is just a game, not real life; so don’t make of the joke a problem.

To come back about yesterday. Some of the users of TVST made some problems at our chat. Stuff about me, all in a bad way. Am I so bad? Thinking about something what happened 6 months ago? Grow up and go further in life, that’s how I think about it. That’s my opinion.

So in my frustration I become also crazy. Shouting, yelling, insulting. Come VK, why? For Christ sake, you are 26, not 13. Well, some times you can’t handle emotions in a correct way. I want to apologize for my bad behaviour. I am sorry dear members of TVST!

Don’t forget, I am not making a clan war. We are old enough to understand that. But some competition between clans is not that bad at all. Look at it at a sportive way! Competition is good for your skills, sportsmanship and so on.

So again, TVST, this is not a war, never mend to insult someone, or to start a fight, it is a game and games have always a competition. Grow up and make fun! That is the main reason why I play PowerSoccer. To enjoy, make fun and to relax.

And never forget:

Friday, November 27, 2009


TVST, TVST, TVST… If you say it a hundred times, then you get a strange word. TVST and their members are a little bit against me and Lucky, but also against LNU. As you probably already know, we where someday in TVST and we left them quick after joining. Wondering why we left… Ah well, always bad words about our members and us! Different comments about LNU… Bad and good….

But the main comment of TVST about LNU is: “We are better than you people”!

Is it? Screenshot says enough!

Lucky Ultras

Lucky Ultras

“You lose some, you draw some” ah no… “You kill some, you want some” Hmm, sounds better I think. Or “We strike ahead of our targets with neither desire of fear”. What? Strike ahead and forget your targets? Ah well, enough slogans, but let make it easy: “Lucky Ultras, Have fun, love jokes and be mature”. Simple, effective and understandable.

Lucky Ultras, created early 2008 by two active members at Powerchallenge.com. Our clan “fathers” are Luckynellis and VKUltras. Many of you know who these two persons are. Persons with passion, persons with love, and not to forget always open for other people.

That was the whole problem about other clans. We have been in ATGp, TVST, Surreal and so on. One clan goes for the RP points, the other does not have a goal (And their slogan says that they have a target), and the last one is almost dead. Their founder is nowadays in the famous, “We lost our target, we are sorry” clan.

So Lucky and me decided to make our own clan. Lucky Ultras. Our names in it, so simple to recognize. But with a simple and straight goal: Offering a clan for everyone who thinks that he/she fits in our keywords: Funny, mature and full with love. Because, people can express themselves in our clan! And that is the power of Lucky Ultras.

So, conclusion? Everyone is welcome, we want you!

At your service: