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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I need to write something :O

Lucky asked me why I didn’t post anything new on our blogspot. Good question, with a good explanation.

The past 10 days I had a weird flu. How is it possible that flu is weird VK? Hhaha, well, let me show you a picture how I looked the last days:

Looks funny, but it is not funny at all. I have never been that often to the toilet. Everything what I tried to drink or eat, came out in just a few minutes.

Trying to get some sleep was also a big problem. I felt like a crash dummy. How hard I tried to get some rest, nothing helped.

I serious wanted to get better. Because sitting at home with my laptop and PowerSoccer, gets bored after some days. So I called my doctor to visit me at home, because I couldn’t come to her. That was not a problem at all for her! Thank god….

Threw this way I want to thank my sweet Elin, for being so kind and so warm full to get me better. Thank you Elin, you r love helped me a lot!

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