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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I need to write something :O

Lucky asked me why I didn’t post anything new on our blogspot. Good question, with a good explanation.

The past 10 days I had a weird flu. How is it possible that flu is weird VK? Hhaha, well, let me show you a picture how I looked the last days:

Looks funny, but it is not funny at all. I have never been that often to the toilet. Everything what I tried to drink or eat, came out in just a few minutes.

Trying to get some sleep was also a big problem. I felt like a crash dummy. How hard I tried to get some rest, nothing helped.

I serious wanted to get better. Because sitting at home with my laptop and PowerSoccer, gets bored after some days. So I called my doctor to visit me at home, because I couldn’t come to her. That was not a problem at all for her! Thank god….

Threw this way I want to thank my sweet Elin, for being so kind and so warm full to get me better. Thank you Elin, you r love helped me a lot!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

i just want to say a few things

Hey dear members from the greatest clan in PS

I want to thank you all
without all off you guys we would not have a great clan as it is today
not only in playing clan cups
but friendship is important to and we have it in this clan
and i stll want to thank luckynillis and vkultras for trusting me wen i wasnt a CA
they helped me allot to become CA thnx mates out the bottom of my heart

and merry christmas to all!

Greetings Richard!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Elin and me... And what about Lucky then?

Some of you noticed the pas days that I changed my team name. Nothing special you think, but why did I put “I love Elin” in my team name?

As you all probably know, we have a clan full of love. Words like: “Darling, sweety, honey etc” are not new in our way of expression. Elin and I did also start like this, but there was something special about it.

I won’t tell the whole story here, but yes, it is officially; Elin and I are in love. She is my PS love! Thank you Elin that you want to be my girlfriend!

But what about Lucky? Well, Lucky is still my first love, but in a way of being “a mate”. So Lucky, I still love you too, don’t worry!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Lucky Ultras wish you a merry christmas!

Dear bloggers,

To thank you for your visit and support to our clan!

We really appreciate that!

We want to wish you all a very happy and lovely christmas!

Here a Christmascard from our co-captain Alijas


Luckynillis (captain Lucky Ultras)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The day after our meeting!

The day after our meeting (Vkultras and me) we decided to go to a party together.

We really want to share it with you guys!
In the next pic you see use together:

Some other members shared there pics with us:
So here do you see some of them:




Avirulz and harrys123:




I hope the others guys will also post there pics ;P

Monday, December 7, 2009

I have seen Lucky for the first time "live"!

Normally we don’t talk about our private life in the game. PS is a place for us to relax, being anonymous and to hide for our real life.

It took al long time, but the last weekend was very special for me. Lucky and me decided to go for a beer in a local pub. Normally we only have contact threw PS, phone or mail.

So, sitting there on my chair with an Amstel beer in my hand, waiting for Lucky (he was already 30min to late!) looking at FC Utrecht – Ajax match. And then…

There was Lucky… But oh my god… What?!?!? Well take a look at the picture what I mean:

(Click on the thumbnail!)

Here we go again… Back in the top 50

I want to congratulate all Lucky Ultras members for being in the top 50 again! I think the screenshot says enough, sit back and enjoy!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Lucky Ultras to the top of most respected clan in Powerchallenge

Dear PS-Players,

Here a word from 1 of the clanmembers of Lucky Ultras.
As captain of Lucky Ultras i would like to report how proud we are on our clan.
When we (Vkultras and me) started at may 2009, we where very happy to stand on our own feet. Starting a clan is reasonable easy, but making it succesfull that's something else.

I think we can say that we did a good job as clan in Powerchallenge and there are a load of players who want to be a part of this wonderfull clan.

How can you be a part of our clan?

Be respectfull to other players, be funny, be fanatic and be mature.

Why do we have a succesfull clan?

Because we have players who have all the stuff what you need in PS.

I would like to thank all our players in a personal word:

Alijas: A great person and player who's making a great progress in the game. He deserved to be a Co-captain. Winning a lot of our cups!

Richard44: Fanatic PS player, 99er, very active player for our clan, responble for this blogspot.

Really doing a great job!

RJP: Our clanmascotte, loves Opel, old LA and nice to win off, really a sportive guy.

Badfantas: Great active person and an old lazy women. always there to help you and there to
lose some XP!

This was it for this week! every week we will pick 4 players to wright something special about!
BTW: Aljias have deserved to be co for the month December again!


Vkultras and Luckynillis

Real life and Powerchallenge

Dear Girls and Guys,

I'm proud to be on earth, proud to be a human, proud to have a job, a house, a life!
Most of all i'm proud on my wife and little son.

Where am i'm going?
I'm really happy with having friends in reallife and on PS.
I really would like thank Vkultras for our friendship, what a game like this can do!
He helped me as a newbie CA in the game and we build a friendship to a higher space.
Vkultras is the craziest , funniest and most respected player in PS and at least peacefull and lovely guy in PS.
Besides a wonderfull guy in PS, i consider him as a really good friend.
Which guy is calling you for nothing only for a nice word, who is sending you a postcard when you became a dad? I really appreciate that!
I really would like to thank you for that mate!

I will always love ya!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And the story goes on…

It has been a view days ago when I had a fight with a TVST member. If you don’t know the full story, read the posts under this post, so you understand the complete story.

The past days I was a little bit angry and pissed. He reported me for some bad words what I told him in a private chat. Yes I know, very in mature from me and I am really sorry. I have to know better. I did apologize a few times…

But the main point in this story is, that he started the whole scene. He made the noise, he made the problem and I responded to that. Sometimes in your frustration you react on things in a bad way… That is the nature of a human being.

But the clue is, to forget and forgive each other. Is not always simple, I understand that. But we are grown up people, aren’t we? So talk about the problem and try to solve the problem. I tried people, I tried. But I only get this answer: “Leave me alone, don’t bother me, I don’t want to talk with you.” Hmmm, are you so mad at yourself that you don’t want to solve problems? Or don’t you understand, that with talking you can solve problems?

Ah well, I can write complete stories about this case, but this will be my last post about TVST against me. Why should I put more energy in it? I did my best to solve the problem, but the TVST member putted his head in the sand. Great way mate!

Now days it seem to be a problem if you are funny. I try to be funny; sometimes I make jokes in a sarcastic why. Sometimes when I make a joke about a particular person, then sometimes the person does not like the joke. Well, I can imagine that, but read the joke and laugh a little bit. Laughing makes you old, laughing makes the world people! And don’t forget, I have also made some jokes with self-spot in it.

But it seems a very big problem that I like to make jokes. So I decided to stop making jokes, to stop with reacting in some chats and forums. Why should I react? If you react in an in-correct way, you get a report… Some people asked me what is wrong with me… Now you know the story.

I know, I know, that is not VKUltras. But I think its better to relax, calm down and not to respond on everything. I though when I respond, people can see that you are active. Wrong toughs… I am sorry :(

So, did VKUltras learned in this case? Yes I do. I understand that I have to press sometimes my feelings down and to react in a political way. But please understand, I am a human too? I am not a robot! Well I am going to try it. And when we shall see if it works!

I rest my case, thank you for reading.